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Sphere on Spiral Stairs
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

​My Story...

Personal and Professional History

      Every author has a story; some simply say they have been writing all their lives. Not me. I loved English in school, spent countless hours with my nose in a book, and studied the classics just to understand what made them great. But I didn't become an author because it was what I wanted. I became a mom, then a nurse, and then an author. In the 18 years I have been married, I have always wanted to stay home and work. I wanted to be there for my small family.

     After a difficult medical event my husband went through, my dream seemed like it would shatter  I became a nurse to have a career to fall bavk on, in case it happened again and didnt turn out the right way. Then, as I sat at my desk at home, entertaining my children, I asked a simple question when my (older) children presented a unique drawing. I asked what this snake creature's backstory was. I was given the simple answer that drawings don't need backstories, and it is too hard to make them up.

Challenge accepted little girls.

     Within a few minutes, I had a Word document open and typing away at a story. They loved it so much that they had new ideas to continue drawing new pictures and asked that they be integrated. As the books came along (I am still working on the third), I realized I loved them. So, I expanded a little, joining a freelance copywriter platform. Then, another. When I finally decided to no longer be a nurse, I pursued writing and editing full-time! For a while, it was wonderful, nearly reaching my previous income as I worked hard.

Then came AI.

      Bursting into the scene as if it had never been there before. With the arrival of this new tool came a decrease in demand, less to write, more writers jumping on the bandwagon, and less to edit. My new business was in trouble. I needed private clients, fast. Most private clients want you to have a BA, at least. So, I returned to school.

      Still, I wasn't contributing enough (in my opinion) to the family funds. So, I searched for another source of income. Another editor shared a page with verified work-from-home jobs. I stumbled across an opportunity to be an IT/ Customer service agent and leaped on board. I am rewarded for all my hard work with amazing experiences assisting those who call in.

Even though I have a lot on my plate, book 3 is still coming!

      I have a few chapters in and continue to find the path of our favorite characters' journeys in between being two teens' mom, wife, chauffeur, cook, housekeeper, adoptive mom of a teen's best friend, gardener, student, and much more!

All this to say, I am here, available for work if you have it, and the novel continues. I only wonder what to write after I finish this book...

Averi Jaye Picture
Sphere on Spiral Stairs

My Favorite Images

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